[Shimmer-users] Multi Shimmer Connect in LabVIEW
John Coe
2014-05-13 20:58:00 UTC
Hi Everyone,

Has anyone had any luck modifying the "Multi Shimmer Connect.vi" in LabVIEW to connect to more than two Shimmer devices? I basically copied what was already in the Block Diagram for the two Shimmer devices and laid out a pathway of similar blocks for a third device. However, whenever I run the VI, the configuration pane for the third device is grayed out and disabled. It seems I'm having issues with the "Enable UI Buttons.vi" block.

Is it possible there is something wrong with my references in my "UI Object Reference Cluster"? I copy/pasted all of the object references used by the 1st and 2nd devices and they seem to be linked correctly. I use Shimmer3 by the way.

Thanks for your time,

John Coe | Lab Engineer | STX | o: 410.783.5185 | f: 410.837.7325 | e: ***@stx.com<mailto:***@stx.com> | i: stx.com<http://www.stx.com/>
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