[Shimmer-users] Multi Sync Filtering
David Costa
2014-04-11 16:07:13 UTC
Hi all,
I'm following the EMG manual and I have some questions regarding the
How can I reproduce these settings with multi sync?

*Figure 3 below shows an EMG signal with and without filtering.
The top signal (blue) is a noisy calibrated EMG signal with no
filtering applied. The signal was captured from the calf muscle using
Multi-Shimmer Sync software, at a sampling frequency of 1024 Hz. *

*The middle signal (orange) is the same signal with a Butterworth
band-pass filter applied, with Fc,low set to 20Hz and Fc,high set to
511Hz. It can be observed that the motion artifact has been removed. *

*The bottom signal (also blue) is the band-passed signal with a
notch filter applied (Fc = 50Hz, bandwidth (BW) = 1Hz). It can be
observed that a substantial level of noise has been removed and the EMG
signal remains.*

I know that there's a filter settings button but I don't know what values
should I put in fpass1 fstop1, fpass2 fstop2, passband and stopband. Can
anyone help me with this?

thank you for your attention,
