[Shimmer-users] TinyECC on Shimmer2r
Karel Heurtefeux
2015-03-15 07:35:44 UTC
Hi all,

I'm trying to use TinyECC, a library for Elliptic Curve Cryptography
<http://discovery.csc.ncsu.edu/software/TinyECC/> ) on my Shimmer2R sensors
. I'm using TinyECC2.0 and the TinyOS

I modified the NN.h file to include the Shimmer 2R platform:



#define INLINE_ASM


I compiled the first example: ECDSA and the compilation goes well except 3

NNM.nc: In function 'NNM__NN_SubDigitMult':

NNM.nc:3269:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void

NNM.nc: In function 'NNM__NN_Sub':

NNM.nc:359:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void

secp128r1.nc: In function 'secp128r1__CurveParam__omega_mul':

secp128r1.nc:297:1: warning: no return statement in function returning
non-void [-Wreturn-type]

NNM.nc: In function 'NNM__NN_Add':

NNM.nc:265:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void

However, when I run serialforwarder (java net.tinyos.sf.SerialForwarder
-comm serial@/dev/ttyUSB0:shimmer) and the show_ecdsa java program, nothing
appends (except a start message).

Any idea?

Dr. Karel Heurtefeux - PhD - www.heurtefeux.info
Research Scientist
Qatar Mobility Innovations Center - <http://www.quwic.com/> www.qmic.com
Qatar Science & Technology Park
PO Box 210531 - Doha, Qatar
Cell Phone: +974 6683 4135 | Office: +974 4459 3697 | Fax: +974 4459 2724
Skype: heurtefeux